When you deposit money in a bank, the bank usually pays you for the use of your money. When you take out a loan from a bank, you have to pay the bank for the use of their money. In both cases, the money paid is called the interest. It is usually expressed as a percent. Here we shall look at a formula for simple interest.
The number of positive roots is the number of changes of signs there are, then decrease by 2 each time and stop when you get to 1 or 0
negative roots, sub every x with -x and reevaluate, count change of signs
decrease by 2 each time and stop when you get to 1 or 0
1 2 3
3 or 1 positive roots
replace x with -x ( baically flip all signs of odd powerd numbers)
1 2
2 or 0 negative roots
3 or 1 positive roots
2 or 0 negative roots
2nd option is answer
Answer: 333 degrees
Step-by-step explanation:
The variance of hours males spend working is almost two times as large as females. 60% of those females are more likely to work between 12.7 to 17.3 hours while 60% of the males work between 9.6 to 20.3 hours based on one standard deviation.
Step-by-step explanation:
Don't know sorry