Los establos básicos de la dieta mesoamericana: maíz, frijol, calabaza y chile.
What the Shays Rebellion is......
the shays rebellion was a series of protests by American farmers agasint the state and local enforcements of tax collections and judgement for debt. Farmers took up arms in states to from New Hampirse to South carolna. Although it was the most serious in Masschuetts
WWI was ignited when Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.
A steady-state economy is an economy structured to balance growth with environmental integrity. A steady-state economy seeks to find an equilibrium between production growth and population growth. In a steady state economy, the population would be stable with birth rates closely matching death rates and production rates similarly matching the depreciation or consumption of goods.
For Christians, Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. For Muslims, the first thing in that there is a mosque there that is considered 3rd holiest place in the world to them. The second thing is that and there is a thing called the Shrine of the Dome of the Rocks which is the place that Muslims believe that Muhammed ascended into heaven. And for Jewish people, there is this thing called Kotel, or "western wall" where they believe was the foundation block of the Earth and also the closest they can pray to the holiest of the holiest.