Adolf Hitler was a dictator, and so is Fidel Castro.
Hyy frnd ☺..
the process of travelling the silk roads developed along with the road themselves.
when we are traveled to china by silk roads,
in middle ages' caravans consisting of horse and camels were used for the china there was extreamly extremely high value product, it was reserved for the exclusive usage of the Chinese imperial court for the making of cloths, drapes, banners, and other items of prestige.
we are travel on many places like-
The Silk Roads across the Middle East and Western Asia.Central Asia.Southern Routes and South Asia.China: The northern route along the Taklamakan Desert.China: The southern route along the Taklamakan Desert.China.
we have different challanges to face on our lengthy journey like -Pirates were another risk faced by all merchant ships along the maritime Silk Roads, as their lucrative cargos made them attractive targets and lack of water .
The Silk Road did not only promote commodity exchange but also cultural. For example, Buddhism as one of the religions of the Kushan kingdom reached China. Together with merchant caravans Buddhist monks went from India to Central Asia and China, preaching the new religion. Buddhist monuments were discovered in numerous cities along the Silk Road.
hope it helps!!⤴
A. The strategies that are used in propaganda were mass media and atrocity propaganda. Atrocity propaganda is the most effective since it creates hate.
b. Propaganda is beneficial in a way that it develops patriotism however it may result to more violent actions.
c. Nowadays, the bandwagon propaganda is being used especially in advertising.
Demonization: Artists portrayed enemy individuals as demons or monsters. Example: The poster above of the Japanese soldier with evil eyes.
Emotional Appeal: Viewers emotions were used in an effort to have them agree with the message.
Example: Posters showing that thousands of Americans have died by the hands of the Germans and Japanese.
Patriotic Appeal: Artists appealed to the love of one's country. These posters usually had a country's flag or some form of representation for that country. Example: The use of an American Flag or American soldier.
Name Calling: Artists called other group of people by their derogatory names. Example: Germans were called Huns and the Japanese were called Japs.
Appeal to Fear: The use of fear sought to build support and unite a group of people by instilling fear in the general population. It scared Americans, for example, into believing that the war had to be fought, otherwise, America was going to be invaded by monstrous Germans and Japanese.
Catchy Slogan: Artists used short phrases or words in an effort to grab the viewer's attention. These slogans had to be very easy to remember with a very clear message. These always utilized prejudice or racism that existed against these people. Example: Remember Pearl Harbor!
Bandwagon: The message was clear: the audience was told "everyone else is doing it." It made Americans want to be a part of the crowd, to not feel left out, and to "do their part." Example: A poster saying that victory is inevitable, so you should join and support the cause to be on the winning side...(because who doesn't want to be a winner!)
yw! :)
Answer:Both are elected by the citizens
Both serve four year terms
I got it right