Crystalline silica is a natural compound in the earth's crust and is a basic component of sand and granite. Silicosis is an incurable disease of the lungs caused by breathing crystalline silica dust. This dust can cause scar tissue to form in the lungs.
The right ventricle will pump blood into the lungs to be oxygenated bia the pulmonary artery.
Mitosis is the process of cell division, where one parent cell divides to produce two genetically identical daughter cells. This process is vital in growth and tissue repair.
The reason that tissue from the fetal stage is helpful in studying mitosis is because mitosis is continuously and rapidly occurring in this phase of life in humans. The high rate of mitosis is due to the need for the fetus to grow rapidly and develop the necessary parts for it to be born.
it migth be B i am not sure
See Below.
The key word here is <em>net. </em>The net movement has reached zero when a system is in equilibrium but there are still motion's going back and forth due to statistics and just random brownian motion.
Think of it this way, if there are 100 people walking forwards in a crowd but 2 are moving against the crowd, the net movement is still forwards because the bulk of people are going in that direction. However, there are still 2 people moving against.
Same here, if we are talking about a diffusion, let's say in the case of osmosis, if most of the solute is moving across a membrane then we'd say its net direction is that way but that doesn't mean that there aren't processes happening in the other direction. Water molecules in osmosis mostly diffuse, chemically speaking (because you can say this biologically in a different way), from the probability of water molecules colliding with each other and passing the membrane so even if there is a net movement in a certain way their random motion can make them go to the other side just as well. If the fact that motion stops at equilibrium were the case a lot of systems, both chemical and biological, would not exist as we know it.
Think net = bulk <u>NOT</u> <em>total</em> or <em>entire.</em>