<u>82</u> years passed between the Monroe doctrine and its exten-sion the Roosevelt coro-llary.
In his annual mess-ages to Congress in 1904 and 1905, Presi-dent Theodore Roosevelt expan-ded the Monroe Doctrine. The corollary sta-ted that not only were the nati-ons of the Western Hemisphere not open to coloni-zation by European powers, but that the Uni-ted States had the respons-ibility to preserve order and pro-tect life and pro-perty in those countries.
In the history of United States foreign poli-cy, the Roosevelt Corollary was an add-ition to the Monroe Doctrine articul-ated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Uni-on address in 1904 after the Vene-zuelan crisis of 1902–1903.
To know more about Monroe Doctrine click below
Beaver, otter, and mink furs
The Answer is A. The inhumane journey African slaves took across the Atlantic into the new world.
The inhumane journey was a middle passage African slaves took across the Atlantic into the new world.
The Answers is:
Probably the most important single cause of Byzantine empire collapse was its recurrent debilitating civil war. Three of the worst periods of civil war and internal infighting took place during Byzantine empire decline
These societies arose from a blend of old populations familiar with the environment and new immigrants with fresh skills to impart.