Correct Answer:
A. All of these all correct
Megalopolis also called a city cluster is a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region. <em>For example, the North- East Magalopolis in U.S.A is a region which contained over 50 million people, about 17% of the U.S. population on less than 2% of the nation's land area.</em>
Word human capital refer to
<u> knowledge, experience and skills of an employee.</u>
B. refuse to vote on ratifying the Constitution.
Federalists wanted a strong executive branch and government while the anti-federalists wanted a weaker central government.
Anti federalists were loose political coalition of politicians who opposed the strong central government that the US constitution of 1787 created. Their efforts led to the addition of Bill of Rights to the US constitution.
They were afraid of the authority of single, strong national government, as it could easily encroach upon the rights of the individuals and the states. So they wanted a Bill of Rights to be added to the constitution to safeguard the people from the Strong central government.
Anti federalists were strong in New York, Massachusetts and Virginia. James Winthrop of Massachusetts, George Mason and Patrick Henry of Virginia were some of the famous anti federalists.
Relational aggression
Relational aggression refers to the non-physical aggression against someone else in order to weaken their credibility or social status or improve their own social status. It is also called mean girl phenomena because it is often reflected in the competition between teenage girls. It could break down the one's self-esteem and trust and trigger a host of mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders, etc.
Being a capitalist country is known to be one of the major cultural patterns the United States adopts that would then result in a high level of solid waste. Industrialisation inevitably could cause to more wastes. What's worst, sometimes these wastes are not properly disposed or even treated.