Diagram B
The feudal period of Japanese history was a time when powerful families (daimyo) and the military power of warlords (shogun), and their warriors, the samurai ruled Japan.
During that period local rulers, either powerful families or military warlords, dominated the land, while the emperor was merely a figurehead and not a significant political presence. Society was divided into two main classes in Feudal Japan, the nobility and the peasants.
American social welfare, thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Social Security Act of 1935, is furthered currently by two major categories of cash support programs: social insurances and public assistance.1 Social insurances are based on the prior earnings and payroll contributions of an individual, while public assistance, commonly known as “welfare,” is based on the financial need of an individual. The primary social insurance programs today in America are Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers Compensation.
maybe A? I am not really sure but maybe you should try looking up the answer...
During his reign as pharaoh, Ramses II led the Egyptian army against several enemies including the Hittites, Syrians, Libyans, and Nubians. He expanded the Egyptian empire and secured its borders against attackers. Perhaps the most famous battle during Ramses' rule was the Battle of Kadesh.
another important effect of his reign is his architectural endeavors, most notable the Ramesseum and the temples of Abu Simbel. Ramses II's interest in architecture resulted in the erection of more monuments than any of the other ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
Written by: Peter F. Dorman Raymond Oliver Faulkner
See Article History.
Website Name: Encyclopædia Britannica.
Publisher: Encyclopædia Britannica, inc.
Access Date:
January 21, 2020