comment est ce que tu t'appelles?
Pourquoi est ce qu etu es aux Etats-Unis?
D'oú est ce que tu viens?
Est ce que tu es Francais?
Qui sont les membres de ta famille?
Tu ressembles a ton pere
Oú est ce que tu vas á l'école?
Avec qui est ce que tu vas au cinema
Who is studying? - Anne et Slyvie
Who is eating? - Madame Martin, and Monsleur Laurent
Who is arriving? - Andre
Who is meeting Dlder - Andre
Vocab words in english:
arriver - to arrive
etudiar - to study
partager - to share
chercher - to look for
manger - to eat
recontrer - to meet
dessiner - to design
oublier - to forget
Hope this helped!
Speaking About Yourself
A the hotel
At the train station
Occupation / Work
Greetings and Polite Words
At the café (ordering drinks)
At the restaurant
At the airport
At the shop
Survival Expressions
Taking a Taxi
Being Lost
Small Talk
Gap fillers / Keeping the Conversation
Swear Words / Impolite Words
Yep! what do you need to know?
1. bicyclette ou vélo
2. filmer ou regarder un vidéo
3 jouer au baseball
4. jouer au golf
5. jouer au hockey