The Etruscan state government was essentially a Theocracy. It retained the power of life and death.
The Roman Government was the Era of classical Roman Civilization which begins with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom.
In the nineteenth century, males and females were not treated equally. Women were thought to be the 'weaker sex.' Middle-class women were severely affected even though they had no need to leave the house or go to work. Because women did not want to concern about problems like poverty, the middle and lower classes took women's roles very seriously.
The people of Sumer are among the earliest denizens of Mesopotamia. By about 4000 BCE, the Sumerians had organized themselves into several city-states that were spread throughout the southern part of the region. These city-states were independent of one another and were fully self-reliant centers, each surrounding a temple that was dedicated to god or goddess specific to that city-state. Each city-state was governed by a Priest King.
The function of the application layer: The main function of the application layer is to hide details of Transmossion Control Protocol and Internet Protocol from end user applications.
Earliest protocols were FTP, SMTP, Telnet.
The application I likely spend most time on is HTTP.
See answer