To keep in the stored enzymes so it can keep synthesizing at night, even when there is no sunlight. -- Stomata serve two main functions - they allow carbon dioxide to reach the cells in the leaf where the majority of photosynthesis takes place and they allow water to be transpired out off the leaf. During the day, stomata are generally open to allow photosynthesis to take place as quickly as possible. At night, when the lack of light means photosynthesis can't take place, many plants close their stomata to reduce water loss. There is one group of mainly desert plants, known as CAM plants, that keep their stomata closed during the day when water loss would be greatest, and open them at night, using a biochemical method to effectively store carbon dioxide in the leaf overnight.
Carbohydrates are sugars. Nucleic acids are the building blocks for DNA and RNA.
Invertebrate, b/c it doesn't have a spine of any kind
At the end of week 8 of development, the perichondrium surrounding the diaphysis is invaded by blood vessels and becomes a component of bone-forming <u>Periosteum.</u>
The perichondrium functions in growth and repair of cartilage. It resists outward expansion when cartilage is subjected to pressure. The perichondrium is a dense layer of fibrous connective tissue that covers cartilage in various parts of the body. Perichondrium tissue commonly covers these areas: elastic cartilage in parts of the ear, nose and hyaline cartilage in the larynx. This means that the bone can only grow in length, not width. The epiphyses are pushed away from each other. After the chondrocytes have undergone hypertrophy, they die.
Learn more about perichondrium here-
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