Answered below.
The three general methods consist of unicasting, broadcasting and multicasting.
Casting implies the transfer of data from one computer (sender) to another (recipient).
Unicasting is the transfer of data from a single sender to a single recipient.
Broadcasting deals with the transfer of data from one sender to many recipients.
Multicasting defines the transfer of data from more than one sender to more than one recipients.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is known as one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world. He is responsible for creating the largest computer and technology business in the world, Microsoft. In the company's early days, no one would have thought that it would change both America and the world from that point on.
When Gates first created Microsoft,
Middle class Americans could now purchase a personal computer that would not put a set back in their bank account.As soon as personal computers started hitting the mainstream market, the demand for improvement began. People wanted their machines to boot up faster, have larger memory, have improved programming, and be easier to use. Luckily Gates already knew the people would have these needs, so development was already underway.
If we do not attend to stimuli, then we cannot perceive stimuli; thus attention is a critical factor in the process of perception. Receiving and attending to stimuli is the first stage in perception. Once we collect stimulus information from the senses, we have to try to make sense of it. This is called organization.
What are the multiple choice answers?
The python code is attached
- I defined a function called Fullname
- The function accepts 2 parameters first and last
- last[0] gives the first letter of the last variable
- last[0].upper() modifies the first letter as upper letter
- same applied to variable first
- + sign concatenates strings and variables to the variable name
- the function returns the variable name