Plate Boundaries
Puerto Rico might be on a plate boundary. When two plates slide against each other (also called a transform boundary) they can cause a earthquake to happen on the surface.
epiphytic roots
Epiphytic roots are those that live on other plants without parasitism. In this relationship, the epiphyte uses the other vegetable only as a support (phorophyte), removing no nutrients and, consequently, causing no harm to the species.
Epiphyte roots are estimated to represent about 10% of the total amount of vascular plants on the planet. This means that there are on average 29,000 plant species with this peculiar habit of life. These vegetables are mainly found in tropical rainforests and have almost no representatives in places with very low temperatures.
Correct answer is C
c. The resulting wave would travel at 4.2 hertz.
In this case constructive interference will occur and it will sum up or add both waves together. So that the resulting wave will travel at speed of 4.2 hertz. So, the correct option is C.
Pigments are colored chemical compounds that absorb light and produce color.
Chlorophyll is an example of a pigment. It is a green pigment found in chloroplasts of plants, algae, and bacteria. It is vital to the performance of photosynthesis in plants.
For photosynthesis to occur, four factors must be present. Sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll.