Before farming, people hunted animals and gathered plants (such as berries) for food: they're called hunter-gatherers.
They lived in whatever provided shelter: caves were a good candidate, but also huts made from whatver was available (mud, bamboo, wood, etc.).
the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj)
Charter colonies were governed by joint stock companies, which received charters from the king and enjoyed quite a bit of self-government.
Standard is what you want and lifestyle is what you have
The main difference between lifestyle and standard of living is that lifestyle is considering what do we have now, at this moment, and based on that and our wishes, the standard of living is what do we want to have in the future.
- The standard of living is describing wealth, material things places to live and on the other hand, when we are talking about the lifestyle the important things are feelings, such as happiness and quality of life.