The sun is the biggest PLANET in our solar system.
Liters/cl/ml/dl for liquids and cubic meters/cm/mm/km for solids
C. His mother carried at least one allele for that trait
-Men have a single allele of each gene on the X chromosome, inherited from their mother, and a single allele of each gene on the Y chromosome, from their father.
-A sex-linked trait is a trait that is controlled by a gene or an allele located on the sex chromosome.
-X-linked traits are maternally inherited from carrier mothers or from an affected father. Each son born to a carrier mother has a 50% probability of inheriting the X-chromosome carrying the mutant allele.
Groundwater, which is in aquifers below the surface of the Earth, is one of the Nation's most important natural resources. Groundwater is the source of about 33% of the water that county and city water departments supply to households and businesses (public supply).
Elliptical galaxies, such as M87 have very little gas and dust. ... Both the largest and the smallest known galaxies are elliptical. Very large elliptical galaxies can reach 300 million light years in diameter. Dwarf ellipticals, which are very common, may contain only 1/100,000th as many stars as the Milky Way!
Most spiral galaxies contain a central bulge surrounded by a flat, rotating disk of stars. The bulge in the center is made up of older, dimmer stars, and is thought to contain a supermassive black hole. Approximately two-thirds of spiral galaxies also contain a bar structure through their center, as does the Milky Way.