Hi there! The answer is C:
The scope of the LOWER function is limited to the select clause it is being used in. Outside of the select statement, the column will be returned as it is currently present in the database. Using the LOWER function will not automatically store data in lower case letters in the database tables. As an exercise, try creating a simple database table called "Employees" with columns "id" and "name". Then input a row using an insert statement with id as 1 and name as "BLAH". Try using the select statement with LOWER function and then without the LOWER statement.
These technologies are: Dual Stack Routers, Tunneling, and NAT Protocol Translation.
Dual Stack Routers - This is the process in which a router’s interface is attached with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Tunneling -Tunneling is used as a medium to help the different IP versions communicate with the transit network.
NAT Protocol Translation - This helps the IPv4 and IPv6 networks communicate with each other since they do not understand the IP addresses of each other since, they are different IP versions.
23 bits would leave room for 512 node numbers.