Because it opened the Mississippi river to American traffic.
Population is all animals of the same species living in a certain area; a community is different species living in a certain area.
4) abstract; concrete
Alene is able to easily understant abstract concepts and ideas, which is why she comments the reasoning about the conclusion of the apple A being bigger than apple C. Aline shows an abstract thought, while Janis shows a concrete thought as evidenced in her only being able to "get it" after Alene explained again, using the physical apples. She needed to see a physical object in order to understand the idea.
development of the myelin sheath
Motor development: The term motor development refers to a process that involves a child's development of muscles and bones and the capability to manipulate and move over the surrounding environment of the child.
1. Fine motor development.
2. Gross motor development.
Development of the myelin sheath: Each myelin sheath in an individual's body id being formed via concentric wrapping of Schwann cell and an oligodendrocyte which is found around the axon. The development of an individual's myelin sheath is responsible for motor development.
Mostly English political philosophy, like John Locke.