Cell division that produce two daughter cells.
Streptococcus Pneuomiae
I think that S. Pneumonae would be the most characteristic example of a pathogen with a capsular polysaccharide virulence factor.
This is a gram-positive, catalase-negative, alpha-hemolytic and optochin-sensitive bacterium. It is responsible for a broad spectrum of disease, most importantly community-acquired pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media and meningitis in adults.
Sign and symptoms of an S. Pneumoniae disease can vary, but it commonly includes fever, difficulty breathing, productive cough, headache and, in the case of meningitis, neck rigidity, and diminished alertness.
Interestingly, there are other Streptococcus species (i.e. Streptococcus Viridans) that share some of S. Pneumoniae characteristics and is clinically relevant (can cause heart inflammation, also known as endocarditis, in patients with prosthetic heart valves), but lacks the polysaccharide capsule, effectively making this organism a much less virulent one.
Greenhouse effect
Carbon-dioxide, methane and water vapor are green house gases, these gases absorb a large proportion of sunlight been reflected by the surface of the Earth. These absorption of sunlight leads to gradual increase in the annual temperature of the Earth. This phenomenon is known as greenhouse effect.
This law is called Mendel's second law, or the Law of Independent Assortment.
The law is derived from observations of dihybrid crosses. A classic example involves seed shape and color in garden peas. The shape may be round (caused by a dominant allele, denoted by R) or wrinkled (recessive, r). The wrinkling is caused by a mutation preventing the formation of branches in starch molecules. The color of the seeds may be yellow (dominant, Y) or green (recessive, y). The green color results from a variant sequence in a gene; the seeds fail to develop normally.
Parentals are RRYY and rryy.
The F1 plants are RrYy.
The F2 plants show independent segregation of the alleles for the two characteristics, shape and color. A Punnett grid predicts a 9:3:3:1 ratio for the phenotypes round yellow, round green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled green.