“The world on the turtles back” Answer the following questions properly (complete sentences and direct citations/quotations wher
e necessary) at some point, the audience of this story probably decided “the world on the turtles back” is a metaphorical, or figurative, and not literal. When do you think this occurred? Do you think it changed the meaning of the story? Why or why not?
Pretty early on in the story, one can know this is just a myth, and not actually something that happened in real life. For example, the first sentence says, "In the beginning there was no world, no land, no creatures of the kind that are around us now, and there were no men." We know that scientifically, we can prove that in the beginning there was in fact a world, land that wasn't built by a person, and there were creatures (humans) like there are now.
The became engines because when ever the Europeans crossed ocean they wanted more land and started pushing native turfs and destroying the recourses but also not all hated Europeans