traded on information that was not available to the public.
Brianna, a salesperson for Cosmetics Corporation, learns that Cosmetics will increase the dividend it pays to shareholders. Brianna buys 10,000 shares of Cosmetics stock. When the price increases, Brianna sells the shares for a profit. If Brianna is liable for insider trading, it is because she traded on information that was not available to the public.
We first find 11% of 2000 by the following equation
2000 x .11
From this we get the annual interest 226$
226$ x 30 = $6780
Answer: Option A
Explanation: A Departmental Manufacturing cost Report (CPR) indicates all expenses that a division may be paid. Not only is it the origin of detailed journal entries at just the end of this month, but it is also the best effective method to view and dispose of the accrued costs over the month.
A departmental cost report depicts:-
1. Total unit costs out of a previous division moved to it.
2. The division included supplies, staff, and overhead warehouse.
3. The cost per unit of the division included.
4. Average and unit expenses incurred at the bureau's conclusion of activities.
5. Through process inventory levels, the expense of start and finish research.
6. Price moved to a successor division or storage of finished products