Variables provide reference to the stored data value.
For example:
int i = 0;
Here i is a variable of type int with an initial value of 0. i is a reference to this stored value 0. Now if I want to update the data, I can do so using this reference.
i = 1;
Now the reference is used to manipulate the stored data and change it to 1. In a similar manner all updates to the value can be done using the variable reference.
Answer is B: Early silent film producers used many of the same acting techniques popularized in vaudeville performances, even using popular vaudeville stars as actors in their productions.
Explanation: domain is to use the personal sharing files from one computer to another computer
customers = int(input("How many customers? "))
for i in range(customers):
name = input("Name of Customer " + str(i+1) + " ")
print("Oranges are $1.40 each.")
oranges = int(input("How many Oranges? "))
print("Apples are $.75 each.")
apples = int(input("How many Apples? "))
bill = oranges * 1.4 + apples * 0.75
print(name + ", you bought " + str(oranges) + " Orange(s) and " + str(apples) + " Apple(s). Your bill is $%.1f" % bill)
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the number of customers
Create a for loop that iterates for each customer. Inside the loop, ask the user to enter the name, number of oranges, number of apples. Calculate the bill. Print the name, number of oranges, number of apples bought and total bill
The standard for internal text coding system is called Unicode (Encoding, representation and handling text). Nearly every operating system uses this. The basic reason for choosing Unicode for converting binary to text is because this is compatible with almost every language in the world making it popular. Although there are other ways to do this, Unicode stays popular of all.