Lowest Level; Machine Language.
The lowest level of a computer is machine language, which are strings of 0's and 1's in bits, and it's possible to perform tasks at this level. It's however difficult to do and humans created <em>Assembly</em>; a type of low level programming language to be readable, and converts to machine language so that we don't have to work in binary.
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machine language uses binary code and assembly language uses mnemonic codes to write a program.
In a nutshell, machine language uses binary code, which is almost impossible for humans to decipher, whereas assembly language uses mnemonic codes to write a program. Mnemonic codes make it simpler for humans to understand or remember something, and so make the language a bit easier for humans to use than machine code.
A flowchart is simply a graphical representation of steps. It shows steps in sequential order and is widely used in presenting the flow of algorithms, workflow or processes. Typically, a flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.