The probability that among three randomly selected Internet users, at least one is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot is 0.964
If the survey subjects <em>volunteered</em> to respond , then those with the strongest opinions are most likely respond. The survey sample is then not randomly selected, the survey may have a <em>response bias.</em>
Let P(at least one is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot) denote the probability that among three randomly selected Internet users, at least one is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot, then we have the equation
P(at least one is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot) = 1 - P(none of the selected users is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot)
- If 67% of Internet users are more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi, then 33% of them are not.
P(none of the selected users is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot) =
≈ 0.036
P(at least one is more careful about personal information when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot) = 1 - 0.036 = 0.964
System.out.println("f1 and f2 are not equal");
switch (input.charAt(0)
case '+':
f3 = f1.add(f2);
System.out.println("f1+f2=" + f3);
case '-':
f3 = f1.subtract(f2);
System.out.println("f1-f2=" + f3);
case '*':
f3 = f1.multiply(f2);
case '/':
f3 = f1.divide(f2);
System.out.println("Illegal command: " + input );
}// end of while loop
} // end of main
Note ; this is the last part of the programme check the attachment from 1-5 this is the 6th .
You open a new tab for word then close a other document
See explaination
Here are the steps taken to draw the diagram!
opcode0 and the opcode1 signals are inverted/not to determine the case whether it is 00, 01, 10, 11.
Then they are 'and'ed with the corresponding Zero/lt signal to confirm if the case is true, for eg. zero = 1 if opcode = 00 (beq).
Then all the cases are 'or'ed to get the Branch signal!
See attachment for the diagram
it lets you get more work done
when you have a positive work attitude you want to do more stuff, and when it's bad you won't want to do anything