It would be the Tokugawa Dynasty or Tokugawa shogunate.
The four-level of the organization are Precinct, County, State, and National.
- The region of a boundary seems to be an electoral geographical location defined by statute.
- Counties may come in different sizes as well as distinguish a territory from one provincial capital by another.
- States, which cannot be named as states throughout political motivation, are also known as republics as well as governing bodies that support the implementation or basis of either a nation.
- It's the one who commits fidelity or becomes protected by a government, regardless of the individual or subject's highly institutional statuses.
To balance the power and to approve with objective conditions or reservation or disapprove entirely.
The Constitution's framers give the Senate a shared role with the United States President in making treaties simply because they felt that the Senate, which is comprised of an equal number of representatives from each state will have the opportunity to balance the power and to approve treaties with objective conditions or reservation or disapprove entirely.