Commodities Exchange is a Market, either physical or virtual, where different commodities are being traded with different volumes. Most commonly traded commodities which are traded physically are agricultural commodities, which may include Rice, Wheat, Corns, nuts, seeds, etc. Most commonly traded commodities, which are traded virtually through a system or software with the help of internet, may include Oil, Gold, Stocks, Silver, other precious metals, Soy, etc.
A large number of buyers and sellers are present in commodities exchange market. People buy and sell different commodities, derivatives, stocks, options, futures, spots etc.
firm that is historically low and deals with negatively correlated stock
markets is Gold Extraction Companies. They are have very low correction with
overall stock markets. The basic reason for this low correlation is that, as
the stock market become bearish, investor sentiment becomes weak, due to which
most of the investors withdraw their money from stock market. Now once investor
has withdrawn the money from stock market , they search on safe investments
which will provide them good reruns, Gold is one of the investment which is
relatively safe and provide high returns. Thus withdrawn money from the share
market is invested in gold by investors. Thus Gold prices and companies related
to extraction of gold have very less correlation to the gold.</span>
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The correct answer is letter "B": automating the tracking of inventory and information among business processes and across companies
Supply Chain Management (SCM) comprises all the steps companies take from gathering raw materials until the delivery of a final good to consumers. In the process, several resources are used such as Information Technology (IT) systems which allow measuring numerically materials, components, labor hand and hours, and the necessary resources for the manufacturing company given a period.
Besides, <em>IT systems are useful to keep track of the flow of the units being produced when they hit the warehouse shelves and when they leave the company for sale. This information is useful for the plant and its suppliers.</em>