Answer: Children below working age were utterly dependent on their parents, and when those parents were unemployed-as was common in this age of double-digit joblessness-hunger often resulted. Surveys revealed that a fifth of New York City's children suffered from malnutrition at the height of the Depression (Mintz and Kellogg 1988, 140). In the impoverished coal regions of Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, the malnutrition rate may have exceeded 90 percent.
The main difference between socialism and capitalism is that socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization while capitalism is a political and economic system that involves a country's trade and industry.
no pay, no play laws prevents uninsured drivers from collecting compensation for noneconomic damages suffered due to the negligence of other drivers
states should NOT have no pay, no play laws for health insurance because
its not the fault of the other passengers of the uninsured cars that the driver didn't get insurance. if the uninsured driver wasn't at fault and the other driver was intoxicated the passengers should receive money
implied in the law is that its ok if there are uninsured long as they know they cannot receive compensation
no pay, no play laws for health insurance
health insurance works if as many people enter as possible
premiums from healthy help cover the sick
many uninsured go to emergency rooms burdening the healthcare system
with a contagious disease or pandemic those uninsured many not go to hospitals possibly spreading a disease more
The autonomic nervous system connects animal's <span> peripheral nervous system </span>