I did this last year so I might be wrong, but I think he wanted to eliminate because he thought it was unfair that bigger states would get more votes than smaller states and he thinks it should be equal. For example Rhode Island gets 4 and Pennsylvania gets 20
Personal injury claim
Because Sarah was injures in the store, she can claim personal injury based on the fact that the store failed its duty towards its customers. The duty of the store is to keep walkways clear of any kind of obstructions that can cause potential harm to customers. Remodeling does not count as altered circumstances as the store was open to customers.
In order to receive a compensation, Sarah has to report the accident to the store management and make a compensation claim. The store can be liable for department store tripping accident compensation claim, for not removing any trip hazard.
Answer: The prospective approach.
Explanation: The prospective approach in a study looks out for product or result of the study. In this approach, a research/study is concluded based on the outcome. For example in the development of a drug, the study will involve testing different methods and concluding based on outcomes.
To help the nation as they want
In some Parliamentary forms of government, are two different people performing two very different duties.
1. Head of government : The Head of Government is responsible for running the government of a country with the approval of his or her cabinet.
2. Head of state: The Head of State has more ceremonial duties and holds no real power.
Federal Republic
Power is shared between the local and central government
A Parliamentary system similar to Great Britain
India has 3 branches of government Executive, Legislative, and JudiciaRight to vote for everyone over 18
Freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.
India has 28 states and
seven union territories that
have the independence to
settle problems of law and order
India has 28 states and
seven union territories that
have the independence to
settle problems of law and order