B. C. and D.
Took this assignment and those were the correct ones.
Equivocation is the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself. This is used quite often in Shakespeare's play, mostly with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth when they try to hide the fact the they plan to kill King Duncan. In Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth says, "False face must hide what the false heart doth know."
In Act 2 Scene 3, when Macduff finds the bloody corpse of King Duncan, the porter that is still drunk from drinking in the night says that he is the porter of hell and says "equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale". This line is considered a reference to the book "A Treatise of Equivocation". The book was about how Catholics dealt with dangerous questions from Protestant inquisitors. If the Catholics told the Protestants that they were Catholics they would get in serious trouble and it would be a sin against God. So they decided to equivocate. The Catholic equivocators would tell the Protestants what they wanted to hear, but God would know that they would be telling the truth. This in another equivocation but doesn't necessary make it a good thing.
When Macbeth visits the witches for the apparition, the witches that are working for the devil, equivocate all their apparitions. The first one says that "armed Head", Macbeth thinks that it means beware Macduff but it actually is that Macduff in armor, head of the army will defeat Macbeth and chop his head off. The next apparition, says that, Macbeth must "Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn / The power of man, for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth". Macbeth then fears no one because everyone is born of a woman but Macduff isn't. He was ripped from his mother's womb and we find out the casarean doesn't count as born from a woman. The final apparition, says "child crowned, with tree in hand and assures Macbeth that, "Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until / Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill / Shall come against him". The child crowned means that the child of Duncan, Malcolm, will become king which happens in the end of the play. Macbeth doesn't believe that the wood and trees can move until we find out that the army uses the trees as camouflage and are able to move it.
synonym= list, catalog, statement
Antonym= enlargement, supplement, expansion
Statement that best explains the difference in viewpoint in the Greenberg interview from that in the informational text on Thurgood Marshall is Option D: The Greenberg interview provides an insider's view of the Brown vs. Board of Education case; the perspective of the informational article is more distant.
Brown v. Board of Education case was a decision which set benchmark in Supreme Court of U.S. It ruled that the state laws which establish racial discrimination in public schools are unconstitutional.
Thurgood Marshall was an American lawyer in the Supreme Court of the United States. Other given option are incorrect. Greenberg gave personal knowledge of Thurgood Marshall and about the case but the informational article was only based on research.
Greenberg interview gave important details while article was based only on research.
Student: My desk sat in the back corner, it was tarnished and broken with chipped wood and old drawings from previous students, scribbled deep into the wood with pencils or needles. I felt bad for it. The desk held me up on days I didn't want to be there. It supported my hard work. I wanted to thank it, I wanted to thank the tree that became the steed for so many students.
I had an Idea, I want to start a refurbished desk drive. After school I would bring the idea up to my teacher, I would give the desks a fresh coat of paint and a big thanks for carrying students all day long, for years.
After receiving approval I would drive to home depot and pick up all the materials I would need. I came to school sunday and got to work repainting and refinishing. I fixed wobbly legs and loose drawers. And finally I wrote notes for each desk and glued them to the underneath of the tables each saying thank you for everything you do.
Desk: I was brought out of the class room I can't remember the last time I left that filth nest. Then a student began to take me apart; I guess it was my time to leave the world.
But once I was apart I was not placed in a trash bin, I was sanded painted and given a nice shiny finish, the student even fixed my broken leg. They them put me back together and place a piece of paper on the underside of my table that said thank you. If a desk could cry I would have. I think of that student every day when they sit on my chair I want to support them and all of their kindness.