By the time you get her letter, she will have arrived in Paris
Wes is naturally gifted, but this ends up working against him at school. Wes is apathetic (uninterested/no concern) towards class.
Gifted, apathetic, impulsive
Last week, we met several fascinating people at the conference.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had lived in a castle.
I've owned this answer phone for three years.
They haven't sold all the tickets to the Cup Final.
Dear Catherine,
Good morning from Austin, Texas! School started today and I am starting to like this very much. Part of this is due to my amazing teacher. She's nice and sweet but teaches, well, stopping to keep all students on the same track. I feel as though we can talk about anything with her as well. I was talking about something totally random during class and she seemed understanding, even connecting it back to the main topic. I am so blessed to have gotten such an amazing, dedicated teacher.
Miss you,
Reciprocal pronouns are kind of pronouns that are used when there are two or more subjects in one sentence who are doing the same thing or action. The answer of the statement above is letter B. False. There are only two (phrases) reciprocal pronouns and these are: each other and one another.