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Today the easily recognized image of the flapper symbolizes the 1920s<span> for many people. The flapper—with her short skirts, short hair, noticeable makeup, and fun-loving attitude—represented a </span>new<span> freedom for </span>women<span>. ... However, the average </span>woman<span> did wear the fashions made popular by flappers.</span>
Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sailor, set out to circumnavigate the world on the tenth of August in 1519. The crew along with the ship left from Seville in southern Spain and the crew members were from several nations, such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Germany, England and France. Magellan was an explorer and helped organize the Spanish expedition, which he undertook for the Spanish monarchy, which was supposed to end up in the East Indies (which is now southern and south-eastern Asia).
bill of rights is the answer to that question