A sea breeze is most intense during mid to late afternoon
Ganymede & Callisto are low-density moons with a mixture of ice and rock. They are farther from Jupiter and are geologically dead.
The four largest moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, are known as the Galilean moons or Galilean satellites. Galileo Galilei initially observed them in December 1609 or January 1610, and in March 1610, he identified them as Jupiter satellites. They were the first discovered extraterrestrial objects orbiting a planet other than the Earth.
To know more about Jupiter refer:
The organelle in the plant that will most likely store the absorbed herbicide waste is the vacuole. Vacuoles act as storage bubbles in plant cells. They could store various materials such as food or nutrients to help the plant survive. It can also store waste materials to prevent them from contaminating the entire cell.
A unicellular or single celled organism is the term for organisms composed of only one cell.
I hope this helped!