Los virus son más pequeños y no son células. A diferencia de las bacterias, necesitan un huésped como un humano o un animal para multiplicarse.
Las bacterias son organismos vivos unicelulares. Tienen una pared celular y todos los componentes necesarios para sobrevivir y reproducirse.
Los virus no se consideran "vivos" porque requieren una célula huésped para sobrevivir a largo plazo, para obtener energía y para reproducirse.
If those are the optional answers, it's most likely sodium.
It is the identity of the genes of your chromosomes that is your genetics that may not be physical, as compared to a phenotype which is a physical trait.
<em>Six centromeres are observed in a prophase cell from an insect, there are </em><u><em>20 pairs of chromosomes present</em></u><em>. </em>
<em>Centromeres is defined as the part of the DNA</em> which are held responsible for the directional changing of chromosomes.
And these chromosome gets divided into <em>2 daughter cells while undergoing the process of mitosis and meiosis. </em>
<em>Chromosome is basically defined as a thin structure</em> as of a threadlike which is made out of nuclei acid and protein which is <em>located at the nucleus of various living cells</em>
It's possible.
It said if they were nearly as smart as humans. They never said if they were as capable as Humans. Naturally, some would be smarter than others so some might be able to live here but others might have to have their own country. So, it is likely that some Neanderthals will be able to live in modern society, though not all.