This is a <u>True statement</u>.
Acheulean is a tool made up of stone. The tool appears in distinctive oval and pear-shape. It is commonly used as <u>"hand-axes"</u> in olden days.
Acheulean hand ax is made by the ancestors of hominin family. It is used as a tool for scavenging and cutting. The axes are flaked to make it sharp at the edges. This tool was also used in cutting plants, digging the soil and butchering purposes.
Archaeological department suggests that the ax was in use between earlier hominins and H. erectus.
Strom Thumond 24-hour speech set the record for the Senate's longest filibuster speech.
Filibuster is the action of preventing the voting a passage of a bill by spending time delivering speeches. A Congress usually has time limits for approving of disapporving bills, and filibuster can be effective in preventing the bill from being voted on time.
Senator Strom Thurmond delivered this speech to keep the Civil Rights Act from being approved, in the end, he lost his bid and president Johnson Sanctioned the act in 1964.
The value of the ending inventory is calculated by multiplying the number of units in ending inventory by the <u>unit production cost.</u>
Using the following formula, calculating the unit cost of production is as easy as adding and dividing. Cost per Unit is calculated as (Fixed Costs – Variable Costs) / Units.
Add up all the expenses, then divide the total by the quantity of products you sell:
The fixed costs for a certain time period should be added up.
The same-period variable expenses should be added up.
To determine the overall manufacturing cost, combine fixed and variable costs.
Subtract the number of units you produced during that time period from the overall production cost.
To learn more about Unit Cost of Production here
They are inversely related. Distance increases the magnetic attraction decreases and when the distance decreases the magnetic attraction increases
Explorer Vasco da Gama, born in Portugal's Alentejo region, was the first European to reach India by water, having developed a route around Africa. He is also credited as having a strong influence on Portugal's booming empire at that time, having opened a path for Indian spice trades to Europe.