It can reduce brain injuries.
This rule of wearing helmet is a good initiative taken by the commissioner of the national football league. these helmets reduce the risk of concussions because these helmets are made of good materials and able to protect the head of the players from brain injury. So avoid such type of injuries, the helmet should be used by the player which can absorb all the energy and protect the head of the player.
1. Founded
2. Devoted
3. Benefited
4. Eventually
5. Transform
6. Innovation
We can say that these theories are human constructions.
These theories were constructed, or created by humans, which makes them human constructions. They didn't exist before humans made them - they weren't previously part of nature around us. Rather we created them to suit our own needs and to make us understand life in general.
A duty of a responsible citizen to stand against littering on public places because it causes environmental degradation. will inform to the municipality or corporation about the littering.
Environmental degradation is caused by disposal of garbage, throwing of plastics and other non-biodegradable matter. Littering on public places cause bad smell, breeding ground of insects (mosquitoes, fly) that causes several health hazards and diseases like Cholera, Typhoid, Dengue etc.
To protect our environment we should stand against littering, create awareness among people by spreading the information about its harmful effect. Municipalities, Corporation should clear the road side dustbins everyday and provide moveable garbage dropper site at every corner of locality.
Central Africa
Extending and sustaining water has remained to be a challenge. Health complications and even death have risen from sanitation and hygiene problems in Africa in general. Central Africa particularly needs urgent attention with the highest under-five mortality rate. Population growth, rural-urban migration, economic poverty all contribute to the water crisis in the region.