The correct answer is insatiable. Insatiable is being
defined as a desire of which a person seems to have no possibility of satisfying
one’s self. It is because people tend to desire more goods in which they think
would be more better than the previous one that they are referred or called to
be insatiable.
B, C, D, E, A
1. The Third Punic War (The third Punic war was known as the last of the Punic Wars and occurred between 149-146 BCE)
2. Tiberius Gracchus is assassinated for trying to establish land reform (Tiberius was assassinated in June 133 BCE for trying to help poor farmers to establish land reforms. He was killed in the riot that resulted)
3. Gaius Marius reforms the Army (This reform was known to be implemented in 107 BCE by Gaius Marius)
4. The revolt of Spartacus and his fellow slaves (Spartacus and his fellow slaves revolted in 73-71 BCE and remains the most successful revolt from slaves in Rome's history)
5. Julius Caesar becomes dictator (Caesar was first appointed dictator in 49 BCE, with the aim of presiding over elections. He resigned after 11 days)
The answer is sadly Smog.
Tax cut in usual term is demonstrated as the rebate or reduction in the tax rate paid by the citizens to the government. Tax cuts are often considered as controversial political issue as some of the politicians assert that these cuts tend to serve more as a gain for the higher-income as compared to the lower-income groups which economists would categorize as a step taken in regard to establish the 'equity' among the tax rates. Because it becomes quite impartial or unfair to charge a higher tax rate from the higher-income groups and lesser from the lower-income groups. Therefore, the step is in regard to 'equity'.