You will use the word absolute value. The absolute value describes a distance from zero. Here is how you would write this in math terms and symbols:
$47.99+$2.88=$50.87 (total cost)
he should get back $9.13
4in squared
Step-by-step explanation:
We know that cubes have equal parts all around, and it is basic knowledge for the most part to know 4x4x4 = 64. Therefore, each length must be 4, length, width,and height are all 4.
I am pretty sure the answer is 13
Please see explanation for the answer. The code is written in python and is as given below:
Step-by-step explanation:
The solution is obtained on the Python with the following code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plotter
import numpy as npy
x_s = npy.linspace(-5,5,100) #Defining a linear sample space with boundaries as -5 to 5 and 100 as number of samples.
def sigmo(z):return 1/(1 + npy.exp(-z)) #Defining sigmoid function for the f(x).
plotter.plot(x_s, sigmo(x_s))