The 3 functions of all programming languages are Input, Execution and collection.
They are described below:
1. <u>INPUT</u>: An input function can be defined as the function in programming that enables or allows the computer take in an input in form of any data type from the user. The input is either stored directly into a variable identifier or processed. A real-life scenario of an input function is taking in food. The intake of any substance into the mouth can be likened to an input function. We take in food into the body through the mouth and this is processed within the body.
Another example of input in a real-life scenario is dumping your trash into the bin. In this case, the bin is taking your trash bag as an input. An input function in programming can take in integers, strings, character, float, arrays or any kind of data type. An input function allows the user send information to the computer using the keyboard, voice, gestures and other forms of communication.
- <u>Examples of Input Function using C# programming language</u>
<em>Console.WriteLine("Please type any input from keyboard and press enter:"); </em>
<em>string userName = Console.ReadLine(); </em>
From the above example, In the first line of code, the compiler asks the user to input anything via the keyboard.
In the second line of code, the compiler takes in whatever the user has typed and stores it as a variable that we defined as userinput.<em> </em>
- <u>Example of Input Function Using Python programming language</u>
<em>print('Type in your name:') </em>
<em>username = input() </em>
The first line of code requests that the user types in his name as an input, then Second line of code takes in the input and stores it as a variable declared as username
2. EXECUTION: execution in programming can be described as the process of performing some kind of operation as instructed by the code. This means that the computer reads through the code and performs any operation that it is asked to perform. such execution operation may include arithmetics, iteration, comparison and as many instructions as written in the code.
A real life scenario of execution is when you press the "play" button of an ipod. The ipod executes the "play" action and plays any song within in.
Another example is pressing 2+2 in your calculator and pressing "=" sign. The calculator performs the 2+2 operation and gives a result.
So we can then say that for every execution there is usually a result.
- <u>Examples of Execution Function using C# programming language</u>
<em>class ExecuteExample</em>
<em> { </em>
<em> static void Main(string[] args) </em>
<em> { </em>
<em> int additionop= 100 + 500; </em>
<em> } </em>
<em> }</em>
In the code above, execution occurs at the highlighted line. The compiler is asked to add the numbers 100 and 500. The act/process of adding both numbers is called EXECUTION.
- <u>Example of Execution Function Using Python programming language</u>
<em>print('Type in your name:') </em>
<em>username = input() </em>
<em>print('We just executed, ' + username )</em>
Continuing from our code in the "input example" . As seen in the code above, execution occurs at the point where the computer prints the output of the user's input. In this case the computer prints "we just executed, + whatever value the user had passed as an input."
3. COLLECTION: Collection in programming is used to describe the process where a computer objects collects and groups similar elements to form a single unit. This collection can be a group of similar data types.
A real life example of a collection is a Queue of people at an ATM. This can define the Queue collection type. usually this kind of collection is considered as a First in First out collection.
Another example of collection can be a List of cars in a Ford car garage. This garage takes in a range of cars that are Ford models only.
- <u>Example of Collection Function using C# programming language</u>
List : A List is a type of collection as seen below:
<em>var listcollect = new List<string>(); </em>
<em>listcollect .Add("fordexplorer"); </em>
<em>listcollect .Add("fordedge"); </em>
<em>listcollect .Add("fordescape"); </em>
<em>listcollect .Add("fordtruck"); </em>
<em>foreach (var car in listcollect) </em>
<em>{ </em>
<em> //do somethin</em>
The above code creates a collection(list) of the car names as a string in a tipper garage, adds elements(items) to this list and iterates through the list. This is a typical example of a collection.
- <u>Example of Collection Function using C# programming language</u>
Queue: a queue is a case of colleciton that uses the first in first out idea. The first in first out concept is : first element to be taken in is pushed out first also known as FIFO:
<em>class ExmapleofQueue</em>
<em> { </em>
<em> static void Main(string[] args) </em>
<em> { </em>
<em> Queue sampleQueue= new Queue(); </em>
<em> sampleQueue.Enqueue(1); </em>
<em> sampleQueue.Enqueue(2); </em>
<em> sampleQueue.Enqueue(3); </em>
<em> foreach (Object numberel in sampleQueue) </em>
<em> { </em>
<em> //do something</em>
<em> }</em>
<em>From example above, we can see that we created a queue called sampleQueue. This holds a queue of integers.</em>
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