The Greeks/Romans invented the concept of democracy!
Positive Correlation
Correlation is a measure of relationship between two variables.
Positive Correlation: If variables move in same direction i.e one increase, other increase & one decrease, other decrease. Eg : Price & Supply
Negative Correlation: If variables move in opposite direction i.e one increase, other decrease & one decrease, other increase. Eg : Price & Demand
People tend to score low on one variable, tend to score low on other variable - signifies positive correlation between the two variable scores.
1 A shelter will be built. Rules will be I placed. Rations will be made. Statistical thinking will also be in play.
2 decisions will be made as needed. However important decisions will be made ASAP. And every persons ideas will be heard. There will be a slight form of democracy where everybody can share their opinions about the ideas about what to do.
3 the person who leads will most likely be the person who presents themselves and comes forth to make their ideas known, instill order, and creates a game plan.
4 in rations. The fresh food that will go bad quickly will be eaten first. Then rations that last longer will be given out every two days. A human can survive a long time on just body fat, plus once in the starving state any food you eat is immediately stored as body fat. And the life rafts will be emptied and set out for rainwater to catch in them. In desperate measures where rain doesn’t come, clothes can be used as a filter for ocean water to be more tolerable. And the shelter will mostly be made of debris, local materials and possibly spare life rafts. The debris can also be sharpened to make weapons to hunt animals and fish
5 the rules on the island is that anything you find must be shared with the island. No hoarding food or supplies. No stealing. No murder. And anyone caught doing so will either have rations withheld or forced to go out and hunt and can’t come back until they’ve brought food. Worse penalties will be imprisonments or banishments.
The correct answer among all the other choices is D. economic. This is the kind of assistance the Alliance for Progress provided to Latin American countries. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.
Cold War , the open yet restricted to rivarlry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The Cold War was waged on political , economic , and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.