Answer: Carbon is the most important element in organic compounds, which means that life on earth is possible thanks to this atom and its characteristics. Below you can see some of the ones I consider to be the most relevant
Explanation: Carbon atom has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus, and that nucleus is surrounded by 6 electrons. Those electrons are distributed two in their first level (called s) and four in their second level (called p).
It is tetravalent, because it has 4 electrons orbiting its last energy level, which can be combined with other atoms, even with another carbon atom forming covalent bonds.
, present in all the organic compounds.
Thanks to these electrons, it can form three hybridizations or types of junctions; single, double or triple. This is important for molecular geometry: the single bond determines the formation of a tetrahedron, with angles of 109.5 °
, the double bond determines the formation of a flat triangular structure, with 120 ° angles and the triple bond determines the formation of a linear structure, with 180.
This are some of the most importan characteristics tha make Carbon a unique element.