Tense, but only due to the Brown v Board of Education ruling.
It's wrong, and perpetuates an extremely harmful myth but that's the answer.
Preside over the Senate and cast tie breaker votes. of the executive branch - the Executive Office of the President, the Cabinet, and the independent agencies.Under the original rules of the Constitution, each member of the Electoral College cast two electoral votes, with no distinction made between electoral votes for president and electoral votes for vice president. The presidential candidate receiving the greatest number of votes provided that number equaled a majority of the electors, was elected president, while the presidential candidate receiving the second-most votes was elected vice president. In cases where no individual won a vote from a majority of the electors, as well in cases where multiple individuals won a majority but tied each other for the most votes, the House of Representatives would hold a contingent election to select the president. In cases where multiple candidates tied for the second-most votes, the Senate would hold a contingent election to select the vice president. The first four presidential elections were conducted under these rules.
The experiences of the 1796 and 1800 presidential elections spurred legislators to amend the presidential election process, requiring each member of the Electoral College to cast one electoral vote for president and one electoral vote for vice president. Under the new rules, a contingent election is still held by the House of Representatives if no candidate wins a presidential electoral vote from a majority of the electors, but there is no longer any possibility of multiple candidates winning presidential electoral votes from a majority of electors. The Twelfth Amendment also contained other provisions, lowering the number of candidates eligible to be selected by the House in a presidential contingent election from five to three, establishing that the Senate would hold a contingent election for vice president if no candidate won a majority of the vice presidential electoral vote, and providing that no individual constitutionally ineligible to the office of president would be eligible to serve as vice president.
China tenía una cultura milenaria que había sobrevivido a toda clase de amenazas extranjeras. De una forma u otra, por mucho que cambiara la persona, la dinastía y la etnia que ejercía el poder, la cultura china había salido airosa de las influencias extranjeras. De hecho, los conquistadores siempre habían acabado por someterse a la tradición china.
Nada podía hacer sospechar, a principio del siglo XIX, que China sufriera una transformación que acabaría con esta cultura guardada durante siglos y, que además, acabaría siendo dominada por las potencias europeas bajo la impotente mirada de la dinastía Qing. A finales del siglo XVIII, los contactos con Europa no dejaban de ser meras anécdotas para los chinos. Ni siquiera los jesuitas que habían empezado a llegar a las tierras asiáticas parecían suponer un problema.
Bien recibidos por el entonces emperador Kangxi, los jesiutas parecieron olvidar su principal cometido, las enseñanzas cristianas, e iniciaron una labor de estudio de la propia cultura china. No es de extrañar que emisarios papeles fueran enviados a poner fin a la actividad de estos.
Tampoco los productos que traían los europeos causaban sensación entre la población china, ni siquiera entre sus clases más altas. Es más, sucedía todo lo contrario, los europeos se encontraban mucho más interesados por las manufacturas chinas.
Answer and Explanation:
I truly believe that European imperialism was a <u>bad thing </u>for Africans. The main goal of Europeans was to use their <u>resources</u>. During that process people were suffering and were poorly treated. Many of them died, because of miscondutment. The best example for that was Belgian Congo.
People suffered as never and were craving to change the system of government.
It was a tradition economy.