Children who participate in sports are developing rapidly in sports skills, sportsmanship, and psychologically, but does this come from organized sports are just nature’s process. Children develop emotional and social benefits from participating in sports. Children experience character and leadership development through peer relations leading to an increase in self-esteem and a decrease in anxiety levels.Children will get opportunities to experience positive and negative emotions throughout their practice and games trials. It is important for the coach to understand the “psychology of youth sports and physical activity participation” .
u can prove that u doesn't want to sleep.
The secret garden what is it ?This story is based on a young girl at the age of 10 she is raised by wealthy parents she is also Indian.Her parents didn't really want her and they made the servants care for her this is where she becomes aggressive and very selfish with certain things . The child then get transfers to another family because her parents and the servants got into an accident .She then grows very unliking the family that she is sent to . She meets a made that she likes and the made tells her the story of the women who started the garden at the end of the book the man the husband of the wife who started the garden he walks or with the thought of his wife still caring for the garden . If you want more answers you could always look up cliff notes.