The answer is: Facial feedback
Facial feedback hypothesis stated that the movement in our face could very much influence the type of emotion that we felt.
Which mean that whenever we consciously force yourself to smile regardless the negative situations that we face in our life, we would most likely obtain the positive emotions that we need to get through it.
Actually, a forward deployed force and prepositioned assets, forces with organic movement capability, significantly contribute to the flexibility of response.
It gives the forces the ability they need to be flexible in order to respond quickly and on time. Flexibility in response helps the forward deployed forces and prepositioned assets to be flexible.
Because living in Urban Areas tend to promote individuality.
According to Georg Simmel, the lifestyle that exist in Urban Area tend to force the people who live there to be more independent and individualistic. Things such as competition in the work place, having to pay expensive bills, and very little time to socialize contributed to this situation. In order to survive in this environment, people tend to develop a calculative and rational approach before they make every actions.
Individuals who live in rural area do not experience similar problem. They tend to be older, work less, and have more time to get to know their neighbors. This is why on average they tend to be more sentimental compared to the people who live in Urban area.
The correct answer is C. Precipitating factors
In collective behavior, "precipitating factors" refers to one of the factors or triggers of collective behaviors or those factors or behavior from individuals that represent a cause for a collective response and that usually linked to a dramatic event that led to others. This is the case of a "boy throwing rocks during a demonstration" because this action becomes a factor for a specific response from a collectivity but during this stage the collectivity has not mobilized for action or act to achieve a purpose; additionally as part of precipitating factors this situation is linked to a dramatical event that can create further actions from a group of people.