Dissociative disorders are illnesses involving any disruption of memory, awareness,perception and consciousness. There are types of Dissociative disorders namely the Dissociative identity disorder, Depersonalization disorder and the Dissociative amnesia.In the situation, Lebron has experience the dissociative amnesia. This has been linked to stress caused by a traumatic event such as accidents and disasters or may have suffered or witness a trauma. Supportive treatment though if it would be a short time memory loss would be enough for a patient to recover with this disorder.
That she is intaking a sufficient amount of oxygen with adequate tidal volume so that her organs remain perfused. If she is not taking in sufficient oxygen she will goninto shock due to the lack of oxygen before seizing, going into Cardiac Arrest, and expiring.
You need to provide some form of supplementary oxygen if she does not have adequate tidal volume and her Spo2 has the potential to get worse so you'd automatically hook her up to oxygen via an NRB. If her respirations begin to fail you provide positive pressure ventilation via BVM.
Boiling. Boiling is fast and easy to control. ...
Steaming. Steaming vegetables is the best way of retaining flavor, color and vital nutrients. ...
Blanching. ...
Roasting. ...
Stir-frying. ...
People have many beliefs , you Just need to find or think what you more believe in. But our body’s decay