was having to my friend as use to be
The white horse which was first in the race, a young horse never tired, fast horse always speedy, innocent horse sometimes not so naive, smart horse extremy skillful, Arab horse with some English blood, tall horse always slim, fantastic horse that seems to fly, foreign animal in the desert, thin beast with strong fur belonged to Napoleon.
#2 The author is not in support or group work.
#3 When students can not get one-on-one attention from a teacher, their learning suffers.
#5 Fifty-thousand smokers quit smoking due to the ad campaign.
#6 Claim about Solution
#7 Quoting
He does it beacuse he fears a hurricane. The excerpt that supports this part is:
Then up and spake an old Sailòr, Had sailed to the Spanish Main,
"I pray thee, put into yonder port,
For I fear a hurricane.
The answer is B. Proof reading means reading carefully to detect grammar or spelling errors and editing means to correct them.So every book is edited by an expert writer before getting published.