love of water
HYDROPHILIC is a term used for substances that are WATER-LOVING in nature. As the name implies, hydro-meaning water and philia- meaning love, it means the love of water. Substances that are hydrophilic tend to be attracted towards water molecules and are readily dissolved by it. For example, sugar molecules are hydrophilic, hence, attract and dissolve in water.
On the other hand, hydrophobic means water-fearing i.e substances under this category repel water. Examples are some fat molecules.
Soil can become waterlogged. The water can cut off the air supply to the roots and to the organisms that live in the soil. If the roots do not receive enough oxygen, the plants will die because they rely on oxygen to complete photosynthesis.
Its none of them The person who actually disporved it was Charles Wyville Thompson
Others thing they share is that, both animals lay reproduce by laying of eggs.
It should be understood that, both reptiles and aves reproduce by laying of eggs, and that's another trait that they have in common.
Another one is that, there are some of the birds that are carnivorous in nature, just like the crocodile.