Answer: Flow of electric charges- current
Opposition to the flow of electric current- resistance
Stored potential energy at the source of a circuit- Voltage
Ben - Y Xc
Jen - XCXC
Violet - XCXc
Seraphina - XCXc
Samuel- Y Xc
Given -
Ben has a cleft chin
Let the allele for cleft chin be "c"
and the allele for normal chin be "C"
When Ben with cleft chin mates with wife Jennifer Garner having normal chin, then the two girl child do not have cleft chin but the boy has cleft chin.
This means that the allele C could be X -linked and the mother is not the carrier but the father is
The genotype of father Ben would be Y Xc
Genotype of mother would be XCXC
Genotype of two daughters XCXc , XCXc which means they are carrier for the next generation
Genotype of Boy - Y Xc
Your answer would be betwen 400 to 700 nm
Humans have breached this cycle by digging up fossil fuels and burning them, leading to carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere faster than natural systems can soak it up. This has led to a net increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up.