<span>Although the war persisted on the high seas and in other theaters, the Patriot victory at Yorktown ended fighting in the American colonies. Peace negotiations began in 1782, and on September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, formally recognizing the United States as a free and independent nation after eight years of war.
China used the one-child-policy, in which a family can only have one child
however, it has now expanded to a two-child-policy to address the issue of a growing population of males, and a smaller population of females
hope this helps
छोरीलाई सामुदायिक र छोरालाई बोर्डिङ स्कुल पठाउने, उमेर नै नपुगी बिहे गरिदिने र जतिवटी छोरी भए पनि एउटा छोरा चाहिन्छ भन्ने सामाजिक मान्यता परिवर्तनको चरणमा रहेको लामो समय बितिसकेको छ । छोरीलाई छोरासरह समान अधिकार दिलाउन भई आएको संघर्ष अहिले मुलुक संघीय गणतान्त्रिक घोषणासम्म आइपुग्दा मात्रैको होइन, योगमायालाई जोडेर अर्थ्याउँदा सवा शताब्दी पुगेको छ ।
''Most of the state and local level public officials in the U.S. are elected directly or indirectly. An election is the process by which people choose their representatives for governance. In the U.S., each state controls and regulates state and local elections. State law and state constitutions regulate elections at the state and local level. The state legislature controls state laws and state constitutions. Every state is free to conduct its elections and limit its electorate. State legislatures and the executive are elected separately. In all states, the governor and lieutenant governor are elected. Additionally, all members of the state legislatures are elected. The legislative branches in local level, county, and city government are filled by election. Sheriffs and Mayors at the local level are also elected''