He takes prayer very serious and follows all the standards however when he says he is 'handcuffed' he means emotionally.
Desert storm
something to do with Saddam Hussein's army invading Kuwait...
A short thrust into Union territory would not be enough; a protracted stay would be the key to Confederate success. Lee hoped to keep his army on United States soil through much of the autumn, not with the intention of capturing and holding territory but with an eye toward accomplishing several goals before returning.
The power of recognition - gradpoint . Have a good day
Questioning and rationale thought--The Scientific Revolution sparked a sense of questioning the world around us and using rational, structured thinking to address a problem.
The scientific method began to emerge and was applied to discovering the workings of the universe, body, and environment. These same methods used in universities could then be applied to studying the workings of our history and government. Then using questioning and rational thinking new methods and theories could be developed to address the structure of society.