A fraction is a short way to write a division problem. When you see a fraction, it means "the top number divided by the bottom number".
When you actually DO the division, the answer is the decimal that's equal to the fraction.
The distance around a rectangle or a square is as you might remember called the perimeter. The distance around a circle on the other hand is called the circumference. It is calculated as follows:
C = 2pi(r)
From this, we can solve for r and evetually solve for the diameter.
44 = 2pi(r)
r = 7.00
d = 2r
d = 14
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Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
simply add both equations
x + y = 2
-3x - y = 5
-2x + 0 = 7
x = -7/2
x + y = 2
-7/2 + y = 2
y = 2 + 7/2 = 4/2 + 7/2 = 11/2
1/2 x + 2y = -13
x - 4y = 8
first multiply the first equating by 2
x + 4y = -26
x - 4y = 8
2x + 0 = -18
x = -18/2 = -9
x - 4y = 8
-9 - 4y = 8
-4y = 17
y = -17/4

to the nearest thousandth.
The given irrational number is

We use the calculator to evaluate this to obtain,

To round to the nearest thousandth means we are rounding to 3 decimal places.
The third decimal place is 5.
The next number is 5 so we round up.