Kinda weird. But I have no feelings over it :)
it is diagram okk
female reproductive system undergoes some changes and those changes repeat at interval of every 28-30 days. this repetative changes are called menstrual cycle. it is natural process, controlled by four hormones. those four hormones follicle stimulating hormone,luteinizing hormone, estrogen and progesterone. one of several follicle in ovary starts to develop along with oocyte present in it,under effect of follicle stimulating hormone. developing follicle secrets estrogen. endometrium of uterus starts to regenerate under effect of estrogen. it bursts under effect of luteinizing hormone and oocyte is released. this is ovulation. remaining tissues of burst follicle forms corpus luteum. corpus luteum starts to secrets progesterone. endometrial glands secrets their secretion under effect of progesterone. such endometrium is ready for implantation of embryo.
Generally, you can calculate it with this formula: df = (r-1)(c-1) where r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns.
The scientific method steps are
1. Observe
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Production based on the hypothesis
5. Test
6. Use results to conclude if your hypo was right or not.
7. Make a new hypo
The method is a scientific way of finding the answer to your questions. Or in other words. Gathering knowledge that is based on characterized and developed scientific evidence.
Answer: Global warming is happening because the greenhouse gases are becoming more thicker which makes more of the suns radiation (heat) stay in the earth; as a result, this is increasing the earth's temperature.
The subject is geography :)