the "Extra! Extra!" section of the article is to bring the reader , buyer in and makes someone want to read it it makes it sound like its important and u need to read it now
#1 Seashells, Seashore
#2 Television, Computer
#3 Table
#4 School, Distance Learning
#5 Learn, Study, Remember
Common nouns refer to a non-specific person, place, or thing
#1 Person, Thing, Place
#2 Person, Thing, Thing
#3 Thing
#4 Place, Idea
#5 Ideas
I will add more info on the subject of you like as well.
The answer is B because it can be easily shortened down/ make more sense without the commas to: I heard in the weather report that it's going to rain.
Interpretation is defined as a process of the creation of meaning. Life is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning . With each event we decide upon an interpretation . It is with these interpretations or attached meanings that we define who and what we are and what we can have and do. Then we go about life collecting evidence to confirm and validate these interpretations . A person's interpretation of an event can be affected through anger , the feeling of being a victim, not making the right decision, negative interpretation and past events among others. That's why it is so important to learn to be in the moment ' in order to experience the genius of you, who you really are, to experience the infinite . No doubt there is a bigger picture out there for your life; it is up to you to master the art of the interpretation